As a Parent Coach with 15+ years experience teaching in primary schools, mum and step-mum, I have a passion for helping children thrive, and it lies at the core of what I do.
I truly believe that to achieve this, I need to help you, as a parent, to thrive first.
Our connection with our kids - the bond that we create with them from the get go - is largely dependent on how we connect with ourselves...
Throughout my teaching career, I came across so many children who struggled at school for a number of reasons. I found that the key to these children’s growth and success was building a relationship with their parents which was based on trust, connection and understanding. Without this, parents were left feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and lost, and their children’s behaviour would often spiral out of control.
Then something big happened...
At 39, I met my soulmate. I got married, became a stepmother to 2 beautiful young ladies (9 and 10 at the time), and gave birth to one of my own.
That’s when I got first-hand experience of what parenting was really like!
I realised that this parenting gig isn’t easy! Triggers that I never knew I had suddenly came up. I got infuriated by things that normally wouldn't bother me, I often felt judged (and judged myself even more), overwhelmed, and I simply hadn’t prepared myself for this!
I had moved halfway across the world to Australia when my son was born. I had left family and friends behind, and all I had was my husband, my midwife, Google, and my mother’s voice in my head, each with their own ideas and opinions about how parenting should be done.
Navigating through the parenting struggles without the support network I craved left me wanting more for myself and my son. I wanted to show up differently as a mum and a step mum, but I didn't know how.
And so I got curious.
Really curious. About why. And how.
I went down the path of personal development and Parent Coaching so that I could begin to help not only myself but other parents like me 'from the inside out'.
My journey down this path has provided me with invaluable insight into who I am as a person and mother, and the tools and skill sets I have acquired along the way have had a significant and positive impact on my own family and relationships with others.
My journey of self-discovery continues. I have learned to view self-reflection as a beautiful gift for myself. It helps me grow and allows me to do so with compassion and empathy.
If I can help even one mother to do the same for her, to find that peace within, to help her understand her child better, so that she can begin to parent from a place of calm and true authenticity without feelings of overwhelm or judgment, then I have achieved my purpose.
Are you ready to begin
YOUR journey?